Currently browsing: Customer Success, Case Study

Halla and Local Express Collaboration

Halla, a taste intelligence company that helps grocers predict customer preferences in real-time, is now partnering with Local Express to provide its independent grocers tan enhanced digital shopping experience for customers based on predictive behavior. As the pandemic has pushed more customers more quickly to e-commerce, grocers have had to adapt their services very quickly while trying to make e-commerce profitable.

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Seafood City Joins Local Express eCommerce Platform

The Local Express e-commerce platform offers a full-service, omni channel (web & mobile) solution for independent retailers. It features a database with more than 1 million grocery items along with multiple options for store pick-up and delivery. The program has proven to exceed customer expectations and help the stores grow revenue in the process.

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Local Express Boosts Partnership Program with Industry Veteran Tedd McCowan

The Local Express e-commerce platform offers a full-service, omni channel (web & mobile) solution for independent retailers. It features a database with more than 1 million grocery items along with multiple options for store pick-up and delivery. The program has proven to exceed customer expectations and help the stores grow revenue in the process.

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