Empowering Independent Stores With Retail Media

Empowering Independent Stores With Retail Media
Empowering Independent Stores With Retail Media

Independent food retailers are always looking for ways to get ahead of competition. Therefore, utilizing the power of retail media is a great way for food retailers to empower themselves and boost profits.

Unlock New Revenue with Local Express CPG Ads

1 Billion dollars will be spent on ads for food brands, highlighting the powerful synergy of retail media and CPG advertising. This presents a significant growth opportunity for food retailers to boost profits by partnering with brands to promote their products in-store and online.

However, managing multiple CPG campaigns can be overwhelming. Local Express offers easy-to-use technology to streamline your entire food business operations, allowing you to capitalize on this revenue opportunity without the management burden.

Wow your customers and never miss a sale by providing them with access to the products they want and value. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and purchase again.

With Local Express, you can start generating additional revenue right away. Retailers with 10,000 in-store customers can typically earn between $6,000-$24,000 annually through CPG.

Local Express’s omnichannel user-friendly platform allows you to:
1. Effortlessly place and manage ads across various formats, including banners, videos, and kiosk screensavers, keeping your customers engaged and informed about the latest CPG products.

2. Optimize search results and item placement to ensure your products are easily found by customers, leading to happier shoppers and increased sales.

3. Partner with leading CPG brands to promote their products and increase your revenue, future-proofing your brand by offering a wider selection and staying relevant to evolving customer preferences.We’re passionate about empowering food retailers.

Ad Placement and Management

With Local Express, you can start placing and managing ads effectively, covering various ad types like banners, videos, and kiosk screensavers. We also help with search results and item placement.

Reporting and Analytics

Another key aspect of retail media and CPG ads is reporting and analytics. With Local Express, you can efficiently manage networks and data in one place, streamlining the process of reporting and analytics.

Data Feed Management

Data feed management is crucial. With our services, you can quickly pool all your data from various sources and fully utilize it. We also facilitate the movement of data as technology and services evolve.

Embrace Retail Media With Local Express

It’s clear that retail media and CPG present an incredible opportunity for grocers, food retailers, restaurants, and more. The challenge however is being able to manage everything that comes with that. Thankfully though, Local Express can help. 

From ad placement/management to analytics and data feed management, Local Express is an all-in-one media gateway for independent stores looking to enter the retail media space or upgrade their efforts. So, embrace retail media and get started with Local Express today. 

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